Please Give Us Your Feedback

We value your comments and suggestions and use collected feedback to help evaluate the effectiveness of this training and better understand your needs. Please take a few minutes and fill out our course feedback form.

1. Rate each of the following statements about this course.
Disagree Agree Strongly
  1 2 3 4
1a. The topics covered are relevant to my work.
1b. The course content was clear and easy to understand.
1c. I was given ample opportunities to practice realistic on-the-job activities in this course.
1d. I feel confident about taking what I learned and applying it to my job.
1e. This course presented new information that I did not previously know.
1f. The website and interactive exercise were easy to navigate.
1g. The course length and pace was appropriate for the topic.
1h. For this material, I prefer web-based training to classroom training.
1i. I would recommend this course to others.
2. Approximately how many minutes did it take you to complete this course?
10  20  30  40  50  60  70  80

3. Did you encounter any technical difficulties? Check all that apply.
No technical difficulties encountered
Slow internet connection speed
Browser issues
Linked pages not available
Error messages from training system
Images did not load
Interactions/Animations did not load
System locked up
Other - please specify:
4. What did you find most helpful? Check all that apply.
Realistic role-playing scenario
Ability to return to exit point
Course size and organization
Videos, graphics, animations, photos
Nothing stood out as most helpful
Other - please specify:
5. What did you find least helpful? Check all that apply.
Excessive acronyms
Excessive course length
Inability to ask questions or discuss examples
Information that does not apply to my job
It was all helpful
Other - please specify:
6. Please provide any additional comments you have about this training.

Thank you!